Overnight to prepare | 2 hours 20 minutes cooking time | Makes 8 Jars
- 2 grapefruit
- 2 oranges
- 1 lemon
- 6 cups of water
- 6 cups of sugar
- 1/2 cup of Whiskey (optional)
Day One
- Half the citrus and slice as thinly as possible (or put it in the food processor with your slicer blade to make it really easy)
- Put the prepared citrus along with the 6 cups of water in a large stainless steel or enamel pot and soak overnight.
Day Two
- Tip the citrus and water into a pot (note: don’t use an aluminium pot as the acid in the fruit will corrode it) and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer covered for an hour or until the citrus slices are tender.
- Add the sugar and stir until all dissolved. Once it comes to a boil, drop to a simmer, cover and cook for another 40 minutes. If you aren’t adding whisky, skip to step 4.
- If you are partaking in the richer whiskey flavour, add now to your pot and continue to simmer until it reaches setting point (which should take another 30-40 minutes). Take care the mixture doesn’t catch or burn by stirring frequently.
- To test for setting, spoon a little of the mixture onto a plate. Tilt and see if a film forms on the surface – if so, your marmalade is ready to jar.
- Pour into sterilised jars while your marmalade is still hot, and seal with sterilised lids.
Your marmalade will keep for months as long as the jar is sealed. Once opened, store in the fridge.